Some people have expressed concern with our Shark treatos, having assumed that they are sourced from endangered Shark species.
I have come here to let you all know that we are NOT CRAZY to be using endangered shark bits for dog treatos!
All of the shark products you see at Ferguson's are sourced from non-endangered species of shark, mostly the gummy shark, which is more commonly known as flake at the Fish & Chips shop.
Yep, flake! Plain ol' flake.
Why don't we call it flake cartilage you ask? Well, because then no one on Google would be able to find us since the entire dog treat industry calls it Shark Cartilage.
We do not specifically hunt for sharks to make dog treats. All of our Shark treatos are mere by-product of the human seafood industry. Because news flash - humans cannot consume shark cartilage and tails!
How about the Shark skin we use to make our Shark Rolls? Maybe, but the fish & chips shop prefer skinless fillets to make the batter stick better on your fish & chippos.
Once upon a time, before the genius came to think of turning these inedible bits for dog treats, cartilage and tails would go to a Renderer (or similar) where they'll be processed further to make other useful human products, like soap (here's a guess based on what they do with inedible chicken carcass).
Or they simply throw it away.
Furthermore, all our shark treatos are sourced from sustainable certified quota-based fisheries all around Australia. This means that once the quota for gummy shark fishing has been met the year, then that's it! No more gummy sharks (for human or dog) till the quota resets.
I hope this clears it up for everyone and gives peace of mind that when you feed your doggos a piece of Shark Cartilage or a Shark Tail, that they are not contributing to killing off an entire endangered Shark species.
Haven't seen our extensive seafood range? Check it out here - includes Shark Cartilage, Shark Tails and Shark Skin Rolls (Great dental chew!)
1 comment
My dogs devour your delicious shark Treatos. They chew them for hours and they are great at keeping their teeth sparkly clean.